Student Registration Thank you for signing-up for a free Career or College Navigator Mentor. If you’re interested in a Career Mentor, first identify a Mentor from our Mentor Directory and then complete this form. Name * First Name Last Name Select a Career Mentor (If you would like a College Navigator Mentor, please skip to next question): Please look at the Mentor Directory to choose a Career Mentor. Select the mentor in the drop-down menu below. Please select an option Not sure, please match for me. Amber H. (Software Engineer) Anais M. (Sourcing Recruiter) Ariel G. (Program Manager) Brandon M. (Cornell Law Student) Caroline B. (Naturopathic Medicine) Carrie M. (Crisis Counselor-Social Work) Chowdhury K. (Portfolio Manager) Diana S. (Case Manager-Social Work) Elizabeth N. (Lead Research Assistant) Gwen G. (Senior Program/Product Manager) Jeff K. (Data Analyst) Jennifer C. (Technical Recruiter) Jessica W. (Brand Director) Julie R. (Business Owner) Justen H. (Research Scientist) Kamcee U. (Medical Assistant) Kathleen K. (Manufacturing and Quality Engineer) Katie B. (Social Studies Teacher) Kyle T. (Marketing and Communications Assistant) Laura R. ( VP, People at a tech startup) Macy K. (Paraeducator Special Education) Mahogany F. (Research Project Coordinator) Michelle T. (Pediatrician) Nicole F. (Sr. Technical Recruiter) Pearlynne C. (Software Engineer) Rachel E. (Clinician/Intake Specialist) Robyn M. (Admission Counselor) Ruth R. (Business Office Manager) Scarlett K. (Strategic Account Executive) Sharon S. (Director Engagement Management) Shennay O. (Accounts Receivable Manager) Stephanie S. (Software Engineer) Talia P. (HR Lead) Trang L. (PM Data Analytics) Wei Chen (Technical Recruiter) Weishung Liu (Program Manager) Zubair M. (Head of Sales Intelligence) Teresa C. ( Former Principle Program Manager at Amazon) Would you like a College Navigator Mentor to help you overcome challenges to staying enrolled in college? If you have already selected a Career Mentor, please skip ahead to the next question. I prefer a female mentor (she, her, hers). I prefer a male mentor (he, his, him). I prefer a bi-lingual mentor (Vietnamese, Mandarin or Spanish). Not sure, or I need more information. What are the challenges you are facing to completing your education? Check all the boxes that apply. * Mentors are not experts or trained professionals in any of the areas listed below, but they will listen to you, help you identify and access campus and community resources and check on how you're doing. Academic advising (not enough or not accessible) Academic preparedness (don't feel college ready) Academic major or purpose (can't decide or not sure) Activities on campus (not engaged or can't find) Books or materials for class are too expensive Can't afford college Career (connecting education to job) Childcare (affordability or access to quality care) Citizenship issues Classes are too hard Computer or technical issues Contending with racial, equity or diversity issues on campus Culturally I don't feel connected DACA status issues Debt Disability (learning or hidden) Disability mobility Don't feel a sense of belonging on campus Don't fit in on campus Emergency (family or personal) Employment (don't have a job) Faculty unavailable Family (managing commitments) Financial aid applications like FAFSA too complicated (problems completing) Financial aid is unavailable or I don't know how to get it Finding a purpose of study or selecting academic direction Food insecurity Friends (trouble finding on campus) Health and wellness concerns Housing problems Homelessness Hunger Language barriers (verbal or written) Mental health challenges Part-time status is difficult Paying for education Registering for classes Remote learning difficulties Selecting classes Self-Esteem (believing in self) Stress (managing) Study skills Tutoring is unavailable or too expensive Transferring to another campus (meeting requirements or other issues) Veteran's affairs Why do you want to have a Mentor? * Are you currently enrolled in a college or university degree or certificate program? Yes No No, but I was in 2021 No, but I was in the past Please write the name of the college or university where you are currently enrolled and your major or academic focus (if you know). Contact Email * Phone * (###) ### #### In general, what is the best way for your Mentor to reach you? Email Phone Text WhatsApp Do you have access to video conferencing technology like Zoom or FaceTime? The first couple of times you meet your Mentor, we want you to see each other! Yes No Demographics The Mentoring Project serves students who are over the age of 18 and have a low-income background. Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Gender * Female Male Other What are your preferred pronouns? She/her/hers He/him/his They/them/theirs Income Level * Do you have a low-income background or significant financial need (no documentation is required)? Yes No Racial/Ethnic background (Definitions from the Nat. Center for Education Statistics NCES)) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Mixed Race Other Are you the first generation in your family to attend college (other than a sibling)? Yes No Not sure Mentor Match and Agreement How did you find out about The Mentoring Project? MESA Seattle Promise TRIO Advisor at my campus Community referral Friend or word-of-mouth Student Ambassador Other Student Agreement * Mentors are volunteering their time and care a lot about helping you finish your college degree or certificate program. To work with a Mentor, we ask that you agree to: 1. Respond to your Mentor when contacted (even those weeks where you may not need much help). 2. Be respectful of your Mentor's time, boundaries and suggestions (even if you may not always agree). 3. Meet with your mentor between 1-3 times by Zoom or FaceTime and complete the final evaluation form. 4. Limit contact with my mentor to the scope of activities identified by The Mentoring Project and I understand that any relationships or contacts between the mentor and mentee outside of Program activities are neither condoned nor encouraged by The Mentoring Project. 5. Understand that my Mentor is not acting as a licensed professional and that his or her advice is not expert. 5. Understand that even though my mentor may not be considered a mandatory reporter under Washington State Law (RCW 74.34) or any other state law, he or she might report suspected abuse, abandonment, neglect, or financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult. 6. Understand that I can anonymously report my mentor for inappropriate behavior by contacting 7. Allow The Mentoring Project to inform my campus of my participation. 8. Release and hold harmless The Mentoring Project and its Advisory Board from any and all claims, causes of action, liability, or damages arising from my mentor relationship. Yes, I agree to the above We will review your application and get back to you soon!