How does e-mentoring work?
What will a mentor do?
Help you overcome obstacles to your education:
If you’re struggling to stay in college, your mentor can work with you to tackle problems like affording tuition, finding housing or .registering for classes. Mentors are community volunteers, not experts or licensed professionals. They will listen and help you access campus and community resources.
Career advising and academic direction:
Trying to figure out what to do with your college degree or what to study? Pick a mentor to learn about their career, field and education.
How do I get a free mentor?
We will match you according to the preferences you tell us.
If you would like a mentor mostly for career advising, look through our Mentor Directory and when you sign-up, you may request who you’d like to meet with. Questions? Email info@mentoringproject.org
How and for how long do I meet with my mentor?
Your will meet with your mentor 1 - 3 times.
If you both agree, you can continue.
Meetings will be by Zoom, Facetime or something similar. No meetings are in-person, only electronic.
How do I qualify?
If you’re 18 or over and a college student, you qualify! You could be enrolled in or planning to attend a community college or university.
Low-income background, but you do not have to submit proof.
Who are the mentors?
You can meet some mentors on our “Team” page. They are mostly:
First generation in their families to go to college and struggled to overcome educational barriers
Patient, resourceful and caring. They won’t have all of the answers but they will know where to help you look.
Mentors are community volunteers, not experts or licensed professionals.
The Mentoring Project is committed to treating all persons with dignity and respect while building a diverse, equitable, inclusive environment where opportunities are accessible to all.
Young professionals early in their careers.
Diverse backgrounds.
College grads (many have graduate degrees in STEM fields).
Near-peer or within ten years of college graduation.
Are Bi-lingual mentors available?
Yes! Bi-lingual mentors are available who speak:
Will The Mentoring Project give me money for college?
No, but we will help you apply for financial aid by making sure you have the support you need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Washington Application for State Financial (WASFA) if you are undocumented. We can help you identify scholarships you may qualify for. We can also connect you to campus or community resources if you need emergency financial aid.